Services Options

Video Production Service

Our Video Production Service is for businesses that know what they want from a web presenter and where we provide a simple, high quality, filming and deployment service. You can order this service in just a couple of minutes using our online ordering system.


Select your presenter



Select your length and script preferences



Chose where and how they appear on screen


Prices start at £597

Video Production and Consulting Service

If you are unsure of exactly what video can do for you and how to maximise the returns, then our Video Consulting Service will give you what you need.

Planning for Success

The process starts with understanding where video can help your business deliver better results and then looking at all the different options open to you – including the type and style of video, location and length, target calls to action and the video’s role in the user journey.

Delivering Results

With an agreed video plan we then work with you to craft the perfect pitch script with the right presenter for your brand. Then its into production – filming is followed by editing and post processing, including any graphics, animation or imagery requirements.

Our technical team then help you deploy the video onto your site, and we work with you to track and monitor the results using our Google Analytics module.

This process can range from just a few days to a few weeks depending on the complexity and your requirements.

Prices range from £1,000 – £5,000

Video Consulting contact form

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Strategic Video Marketing Service

Typically for larger businesses that are looking at how and where a web presenter service should fit into an existing digital marketing strategy, often across a portfolio of web sites.

Video Strategy

By evaluating online statistics and looking at the end-to-end user experience we identify the main opportunity areas for video and then we agree objectives and KPI’s for the project to fit into your wider online marketing strategy.

End to End Process

We liaise with the relevant people and departments as we work through the planning and pre-production stages, ensuring all necessary approvals are in place prior to production.

Post production often incudes working with your brand guidelines to ensure seamless integration into the user experience. Then we work with your IT team to deploy the videos into your live environment. We work with you to track and report against agreed KPI’s and optimise the videos for maximum results using the analytics data.

This process can range from a few weeks to a few months depending on the way you work and your specific requirements.

Prices range from £5,000 – £50,000

Strategic Marketing contact form

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