Send Text Messages


Sending made simple

It’s quick and easy to send your bulk texting messages from the web to mobile phones. Use FlashPoint Results to upload your list of mobile telephone numbers (from Excel or text file), type your message and hit send.


Send from your own mobile number

You can choose to send your SMS campaign from your mobile number of choice, thus allowing recipients to feedback directly to you.


Track your text sends

Once you have sent your text message to your phone list, FlashPoint Results provides you with reports on what date your text message has been sent, to which phone list you have sent it and it will also give you a delivery status report.


Combined use of texting and email

You can easily combine your direct email marketing strategy with your SMS sweeps, by sending out quick updates via sms, and saving your newsletters for more lengthy information. Save money by combining both methods!


FlashPoint Results API calls

The FlashPoint Results API provides developers and resellers with easy-to-use API calls, to let you build your own texting services on top of your messaging gateway.