Free Templates

Free Newsletter Templates for effective email marketing campaigns

Create and customize email newsletters for your email marketing campaigns. Upload and manage your images. Choose from free templates. Create your newsletters your way:

  1. Create your own template with our drag-and-drop editor
  2. Choose a free template and modify it in minutes in the FlashPoint Results Editor
  3. Import your newsletter from Dreamweaver (zip HTML and images) or Word
  4. Upload a web page and send it as your newsletter

Create and customize hotlist



Use the FlashPoint Results Editor

Not a programmer? Then use our email editor. You can write your content from scratch or modify a selected template in minutes.


Import from Word or an HTML program

Don’t have a clue about HTML? Import your entire newsletter as a Word document, images and all! Got some design skills? Create your newsletter in Dreamweaver or Frontpage and upload it to GraphicMail, ready to send.


Import from an external source

Upload a pre-existing online newsletter, announcement, product reviews or email template from one of your existing web or blog pages.


Preview and test

View work in progress and send and receive test emails prior to sending a newsletter or launching an email campaign, in both HTML and text formats.


Forward to a friend

Grow your mailing list virally through your footer or body of your email newsletter with “Subscribe Now” and Forward-to- a-Friend” links.



FlashPoint Results fully supports foreign language and double-byte character sets, allowing you to send both plain text and HTML emails in virtually any foreign language.


Set your footer

Choose from a variety of FlashPoint Results “Powered by” logos to suit your style – or custom-make your footer to reflect your brand. Invite your subscribers to share your newsletter with their social network friends from within your footer.


Upload and store hundreds of images

Upload and store hundreds of images in your FlashPoint Results account in the format of your choice, including support for JPEG, GIF, PDF and PNG formats and Word documents. Uploading of your images has never been easier. FlashPoint Results has a tool that helps you upload multiple files at once, or upload a .ZIP file.


Manage your images

Create your own folder structure and store and manage your images and documents in your FlashPoint Results account. You can easily sort images by name or by the date on which you’ve uploaded them. FlashPoint Results allows you to preview images and image properties in your Image Library.


Insert images easily

With FlashPoint Results, you benefit from simple oneclick image insertion into email templates and the ability to preview images as they appear in your email templates. You can also embed images in your sends.


FREE email templates

Choose from our extensive library of FREE “ready to go” templates. You can modify our templates with your own background colors, images and text. We constantly update our library with new industry and seasonal templates. Or you can have our design team develop a custom template for you.